A few weeks ago, I started a joke a day video project. My goal is to record on video (at least) one joke per day for an entire year. At the end of the year, I would edit all the jokes into one video and post it.
At first if sounded easy, and the only difficulty that I would have was to remember to record something. After a few days, I realized that I was not only telling a joke but also creating a kind of journal. The context of the joke should try to match the environment of the background in the video. I have a few jokes planned for certain situations, but usually most are not planned out in advance.
Also, I now realize that not only should I edit all the jokes into one final video, but also I should have been posting each individual one to Facebook. Yeah...I might still do that.
Looking back at the videos so far, I can see that I don't look too comfortable in the early ones. I hope that the final video will also show how I progress in telling the jokes while I'm being recorded.
Here's a list of some of the jokes that have used or may use in the future:
Did you hear the story about the broken pencil…there’s no
What's the difference between a violin and a viola?
A viola burns longer.
Why does a viola burn longer?
It’s usually still in the case.
My dog used to chase people on a bike. It got so bad that I
finally had to take his bike away.
I wanted to grow my own food but I couldn’t get bacon seeds.
The secret to t good BBQ is to have a sauce that will cover
up your mistakes.
When I see lovers’ names carved in a tree, I don’t think it’s
sweet—I just think how surprising it is how many people bring a knife on a
I buy a lot of
expensive cologne—I guess I have no common scents.
What happens when blondes move from New Jersey to New York?
Both states get smarter.
Why can’t the bicycle stand up? Because it’s two tired.
Farting on an elevator is wrong on so many levels.